Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! Hope your days are joyous and full of fun and not as crazy as mine is surely going to be. Thanksgiving is always so hectic when you have two families across the state to visit in such little time. Thats right. Today J and I will be going to my cousins house first, shovel some food in our pie holes and get the heck out of there to fly like bats out of hell to Rich-city. Once there, we might be seeing one of J's ex's because for some reason she thinks that she still is entitled to his family even though they have been broken up for years. WOO HOO! Its gonna be awesome!

BTW, I am revealing my very first homemade double layer cake today. Chocolate cake with an out of this world peanut butter icing. Wish me luck in that it makes it to the first Thanksgiving dinner in one piece.

Since it is Thanksgiving lets all give thanks for what we have and remember that we are very fortunate to have the lives we have! Here are just a few things I am thankful for.
1. I'm thankul for J. He is amazing and makes my life full of love and laughter.
2. I'm thankful for family. Mine can be a little loud and crazy but I wouldn't change any of them. And
3. I'm thankful for friends. Somehow they are always there to brighten your day and show up when you need them most.

Eats lots, love much, and laugh often!
-Wicked Out

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Barking Dogs

Today was quite a long and taxing day of work and I am finally getting to sit down for the first time since I rolled out of bed this morning at 7:30am. My feet are killing me which tells me that I should have not been an idiot this morning and picked better shoes to wear to work. I very much questioned my second job today as I once again ran my ass off for a place I despise and for people I could care less about. Why is it so hard for some people to understand that it is their job to wait on people coming to pick up their medicine and that although they may hate it, that is what they get paid for. Looks like I'll be having another talk with my boss about what employees should be getting paid to do (Sitting on their asses or smoking probably won't be on the list). I guess in the end, the world continues to deliver the stupidest people I could imagine to work with. Oh well..Hopefully J will be getting a new job soon which will allow me to stop working the 60-65 hour work week and let me have a day off. 22 days and counting without a day off people!

The place does continue to give me funny stories to tell people though. If you need a laugh ask me about the "Bird" and the "Handicap Sticker"!

-Wicked Out

Friday, November 16, 2007

Mansion Party

Friday night, after eating a butter soaked sandwich from Gibby's in Frankfort (quite literally soaked), J and I decided to ride around Frankfort completing meaningless tasks. Once we got bored riding around town, we decided we would head home. Once we reached the Capital we noticed a line of cars wrapping around the parking lot and decided that since we were so bored we would get in line behind the 20 or so Lexus' and BMWs and find out what was going on. Can you say desperate for something to do? J and I continued to sit in line for no reason for the next 10 minutes, just sitting there laughing that we were sitting in line. Once we reached the attendant directing traffic he asked us for our invitation. Invitation for what we said? He said for the Governor's Mansion Party that was happening tonight. Since we had no invitation we were made to leave, and thru the back way for that matter. Embarrassed. Anyway, we finally made it home and contemplated making a Word Doc invitation containing bad word art, but decided that we'd rather not make a trip to jail for any unnecessary trips tonight. Back to the boring night we had planned!

Raise some hell for me tonight people!
-Wicked Out